Content Development
MAES has been creating well-written and researched content since 2005. Our mission has always been to develop content with purpose, authority, responsibility, respect, and relevance for teachers and learners alike.
The body of our work includes fiction and nonfiction content: stories, graded readers, student books, teacher’s guides, workbooks, assessment activities, as well as support in producing other ancillaries. We deliver in multiple languages in both print and e-formats.
At MAES we provide expertise, creativity, and rigorous project management while focusing on the end goal of quality assurance.
Spanish Language
Content Development
All Spanish-language content development is managed by native speakers who are also proficient in multiple varieties of Spanish. The Spanish language content we provide demonstrates pedagogical soundness and the rich diversity of Spanish-speaking cultures.
Content Development
All dual and multilingual content development is controlled by bilingual and native speakers of the target languages. They hold first-hand insight on how two or more languages can enhance communication and are equally educated in instructional approaches to bilingual education.
English Language
Content Development
Our English language content providers are multicultural, native, and bilingual English speakers. They hold high credentials in the fields of Applied Linguistics, Bilingual Education, and Teaching English as a Second Language. They develop content with multicultural, scientific, and pedagogical acumen and are conscientious of learners’ cultural and individual differences.
Social Emotional Learning
We believe that social-emotional learning (SEL) opens pathways for success in school, career, and life. Learning environments are increasingly multicultural and multilingual with participants from diverse origins, religions, persuasions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. MAES stands behind content that reflects singular motivations for learning, behavior, and goals.
MAES integrates SEL-based principles across all subject areas. Our content strongly demonstrates life skills such as understanding and processing emotions, setting and achieving positive goals, showing empathy for others, building positive relationships, and making smart and responsible decisions!
Get in touch to discuss how we can help you with content development!
Project DirectorSpanish Language Education
Bilingual Education
English Language Education
Blogs and Podcasts